Don’t know where to start and feel overwhelmed by all the information? Start with the basic fundamentals.
1. Consume fewer calories than you burn (create a calorie-deficit). Whichever way of eating (diet/method) you use that works for you & that's sustainable-do that!
2. Consume efficient amounts of Protein. A higher intake of Protein within your calorie amount can help promote fat-loss, help with feeling fuller for longer & thus reduce cravings, & help retain more lean body mass in a fat-loss phase.
3. Prioritize nutrient-dense foods, such as vegetables & fruit with minimally processed foods. Yes, you can have doughnuts, chips & sweets, but this should not be the majority of your food choices. Process foods may facilitate overeating & development of obesity because they are high in calories, salt, sugar & fat. These types of foods are very calorie-dense and easy to overconsume.
4. Exercise! Resistance training is very beneficial. For a lot of reasons…but just as long as you do anything! Walk the dog more, any sport, dancing…just be more active!
5. Be consistent. Leave all the quick fixes. They are NOT sustainable. Be patient!
If you implement these fundamentals, you will see results. Stop worrying about “the best diet” (there is no such thing), meal timing, eating after 6 pm, breakfast or not, fasted cardio or not, low carb or low fat, certain foods at certain times, supplements, etc. This is unnecessary to worry about and it just brings confusion. If you don’t follow the basics and make that part of your life…all of the other stuff will mean nothing at all and even if you do implement any of them, they may at best contribute a very small effect!